On our way through Utah :D
time for my first post :D. Unfortunately I can't type in Chinese on this computer, so as soon as I have time, I'll come back to change around this post ;)
On to the events of the day I guess... well, I live in Montana, but I'm down in Southern Utah stiffling, but visiting my grandparents ^^ I love them very much, but I wish they'd move closer or that this town was bigger XD, it's insanely small, example, it used to have a gas station, only, but when we got here it turns out it went out of business and now this town has nothing, but a church haha.
We came in on Monday, got here about 10:30 pm. We'll be driving out on Saturday, make it to Idaho and stay the night (the plan anyway) and then back to Montana. Well, that makes the long drive not quite as bad :P
I'm killing time right now until the basketball game is over and they can turn down the tv so I can go to bed ^0^ (yawning lol).
Current Music: Vidoll - Focus (Album Ver.)Chinese XD
大家好,我的第一的部落格! 我住在蒙大拿, 但是,现在我在
犹他访问我的外祖父,外祖母和姨母。 我好爱他们,可是,犹他太热了啦。 他们的城市很小也没有商店! 哎呀!
我跟我的家人来到犹他在周一,10时30分。 我们离开在周六,逗留爱达荷,周日回家。 哎呀,现在我要睡觉,非常累。 晚安。