It was a nice day out today, a little under 80 degrees, not too horrible with a good breeze.
On Sunday I had a lot of problems with my Desktop comp and now it's not working >.<, my ipod stopped working as well and I had to send it to apple for a repair T_T, so all in all it wasn't going well :( But my buddy called me up and told me that he was getting his visa papers and mine too! Visa papers for what you ask? For my full scholarship to study my masters in China!!! A problem I have that I am going to try and work it is: I still have 4 more credits to finish for my Bachelors before I get my degree, so I need to see if it's possible to finish this while starting my work there? I absolutely can't go this semester because I have mostly campus classes, so I've asked to be allowed to come in January of 2011 and either work on the schoolwork through correspondence or finish it when I get to China. I really hope they are willing to work with me and allow me to keep the scholarship and if worse comes to worse to allow me to come in Fall of 2011 and start from then. *Fingers Crossed* I need all the luck I can get!!!!
在周日我的电脑有很多的问题啊,现在那个电脑不能用了啦, 哎呀! 我的ipod还有问题,也不能用啊,所以在周一我送过那个ipod到Apple,他们会修理了。 总之,那个天不去顺利啦。
但是! 我的好朋友给我打电话,有好新闻,我们都接受在吉林大学,学习我们的硕士学位在奖学金! 哦我好快乐啦! 可是,我有一个问题,我有三节课没完了! :(,无论如何我不担心,我给吉林大学一个email,问他们如果我来到长春在1月的话,可能吧。 还有他们让我来到长春在2011年9月,可不可能? 我想一想来到长春早! 现在呢, 不能来到长春在9月,因为有课。 哎呀。
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