Number 11: 12012 (イチニゼロイチニ)

12012 started out in '03, very heavily vk style, over the years they've toned down, and as with a lot of the Visual Kei bands that go Major they tone down their looks quite a bit. They are also one of the few bands in the vk genre who go by their own names.
Wataru Miyawaki (宮脇 渉) - Vocalist
Hiroaki Sakai (酒井洋明) - Guitarist
Yuusuke Suga (須賀勇介) - Guitarist
Tomoyuki Enya (塩谷朋之) - Bass
Tooru Kawauchi (川内 亨) - Drums
my faves:
Wataru Miyawaki (宮脇 渉), Birthdate: 80/07/23
Number 12: Girugamesh (ギルガメッシュ)

These guys have been out since '04, they are a riot, just watching these guys is too funny for words and the fact that they not only film their antics, but they also take photographs in abundance and use twitter! lol. Definitely worth following, these guys are natural comedians.
Satoshi (左迅) - Vocalist
Nii (弐) - Guitarist
Shuu (愁) - Bass
Яyo - Drums
I've grown very fond of all these dummy's so it's a lil hard to pick a fave, but here you go:

Satoshi (左迅), Birthdate: 84/10/13

Яyo, Birthdate: 86/09/20 (this man is so entertaining, He posts quite a bit of the stuff on twitter and he loves Stitch from "Lilo & Stitch.")
Number 13: Vidoll (ヴィドール)
The band was formed in 2002, and in '07 went major. I absolutely love Jui's voice, it's amazingly beautiful. They will be going into an activity pause later this year because it's been discovered that Jui has a blood clot on his vocal cords, :(. I found out about this earlier a couple of months ago when I read his blog confessing to it. All I can say is I wish that he had something sooner and gotten help sooner, I love his voice and the music, but he needs to pay attention to his health, pretty much to my dismay they are still going to tour and release another single this year. I hope he will be ok until he can get the proper medical attention!
Jui (ジュイ) - Vocalist
Shun (シュン) - Guitarist
Giru (ギル) - Guitarist
Rame (ラメ) - Bass (Leader)
Tero (テロ) - Drums, Piano
ok, now for my faves:

Jui (ジュイ), Birthdate: 78 or 79/06/30 (lovely beautiful man, hope you get well soon!!!)
Number 14: DuelJewel
These guys formed in 1997, but didn't really get off the ground until 1999. They were the first band, well maybe other than Dir en grey, that I was exposed to as far as J-Rock/Visual Kei. They have some absolutely great music and I immediately fell in love with Hayato's vocals.
Hayato (隼人) - Vocalist
Shun - Guitarist
Yuuya (祐弥) - Guitarist
Natsuki - Bass
VAL (ばる) - Drums
Number 15: LM.C (lovely-mocochang)

LM.C consists of two members, maya formerly of Miyavi's support band and The Sinners and Aiji, former guitarist of Pierrot. They were formed in 2006, while maya was still with Miyavi. They are both very talented guitarists and the music is fun and upbeat! Very good stuff :)
maya - Vocalist
Aiji (アイジ) - Guitarist
Favorite member is:

maya, Birthdate: 79/07/30
Number 16: SuG (サグ)

Now I'm first to admit that SuG don't exactly have award winning music. But, somehow, no matter what, I can forgive them for two reasons, 1. "butterfly BoY" and 2. how freaking cute they are. lol. Though I do think that vocally Takeru has some weakness, I appreciate that his voice is unique and that sometimes the music can be really amazing.
Takeru (武瑠) - Vocalist
masato - Guitarist
yuji - Guitarist
Chiyu - Bass
Shinpei - Drums
now for my faves:

Takeru (武瑠), Birthdate: 87/05/11
Number 17: Versailles (ヴェルサイユ)

No list could be complete without Versailles, especially since their style of music is closer to what I had been listening to for years, Symphonic, Doom and Death Metal. And I still love the style, so I feel very comfortable listening to the music that comes from these guys. They were formed in 2007 with 5 members, they have dropped to 4 official members however because Jasmine You, the Bassist, passed away last year due to poor health. RIP. <3>
KAMIJO - Vocalist
HIZAKI - Guitarist
TERU - Guitarist
Jasmine You - Bass
YUKI - Drums
My faves:
Number 18: Karasu (カラス)

Karasu were formed last year as a session band, but they decided to release a single. I think it was really quite good, and loved it. They are going to release another single later this year, so I'm pretty psyched ^_^, now the fun thing about this is, all the members are from different groups.
Tatsurou (逹瑯) [MUCC] - Vocalist
hiroto (ヒロト) [alice nine.] - Guitarist
Mizuki (美月) [Sadie] - Guitarist
dunch [jealkb] - Bass
Kenzo (ケンゾ) [Ayabie] - Drums
don't really need to mention my faves because I've already mentioned them before :)
Number 19: Gackt (ガクト)

Probably one of the most influential figures in VK, Gackt started his solo career in 1999 after leaving Malice Mizer, which in itself is very confusing as there are two answers given. His popularity is very high and most people know who he is, when I was in Japan, there was never any shortage of magazines that had his face on it. :) Born July 4, 1973.
Number 20: hide

hide, former X-Japan, probably the most influential and one of the greatest guitarists of all time :). I guess it's really difficult to find what I want to say about him. He's a legend is pretty much all I can say. He was born December 13, 1964 and was found dead May 2, 1998 (May 2nd is my b-day :() by suicide. RIP
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