Well I guess more to the point I want to talk about my favorite bands and who my favorite members are :) [Click the pics for bigger size]
Number 1: the GazettE (ガゼット)

and yes, just in case you are wondering, they are ALL men. Been around since '02,
Ruki (ルキ) - Vocalist
Aoi (葵) - Guitarist
Uruha (麗) - Guitarist
Reita (れいた) - Bass
Kai (戒) - Drums (Leader)
Now my favorites are:

Aoi (葵), Birthdate: 79/01/20
Number 2: alice nine.
ok, alice nine. have been around since '04
Shou (将) - Vocalist
Tora (トラ) - Guitarist
Hiroto (ヒロト) - Guitarist
Saga (沙我) - Bass
Nao - Drums (Leader)
and my faves are:

Shou (将), Birthdate: 81/07/05
started in '03, they are currently on hiatus with the members doing solo projects. But hopefully they'll come back soon, I LOVE THEIR MUSIC.
Miku (みく) - Vocals
Bou (坊) - Guitarist (left in '07, mentioning him because I <3>takuya - Guitarist
Kanon (カノン) - Bass
Yuuki (ゆうき) - Keyboards
Teruki (輝喜) - Drums
my faves are:
number 4: SCREW

they were formed in '06, the second guitarist joined officially in '07. Rui joined this year after Yuuto left.
Byou (鋲) - Vocalist
Kazuki (和己) - Guitarist
Manabu (マナブ) - Guitarist
Rui (ルイ) - Bass
Jin (ジン) - Drums (Leader)
my faves:

Byou (鋲), Birthdate: 81/02/09
Manabu (マナブ), Birthdate: 86/06/23
formed in March of '09, just released their 4th single this month. :) Hard to choose favorites with them, I like them all!
Shin (シン) - Vocalist
Reno (零乃) - Guitarist
Ryouga (怜我) - Guitarist
Iv (イヴ) - Bass
Ko-ki - Drums & DJ
But, my faves are:

Shin (シン), Birthdate: 87/09/04
number 6: D=OUT (ダウト)
this band formed in late '06, I love these guys, they are so good! I was taken in by Kouki's voice, it's really unique.
Kouki (幸樹) - Vocalist
Ibuki (威吹) - Guitarist
Hikaru (ひヵる) - Guitarist
Reika (玲夏) - Bass
Minase (ミナセ) - Drums
and my faves are:

Kouki (幸樹), Birthdate: 88/10/21
number 7: Sadie (サディ)

this band has quickly became a favorite for me, their style is metal and darker, :) They formed in '05.
Mao (真緒) - Vocalist
Tsurugi (剣) - Guitarist
Mizuki (美月) - Guitarist
Aki (亜季) - Bass
Kei (景) - Drums
now for my faves:

Mao (真緒), Birthdate: 06/07 (I give props to this man for being able to scare the living daylights out of people, and still be afraid of the dark :))
number 8: Ayabie (彩冷える)

they were formed in '04, they played with support drummers until '05, when Kenzo joined the band. :) and in '09 they went Major.
Aoi (葵) - Vocalist
Yumehito (夢人) - Guitarist
Takehito (タケヒト) - Guitarist
Intetsu (インテツ) - Bass (Leader)
Kenzo (ケンゾ) - Drums
My faves:

Aoi (葵), Birthdate: 80/04/01
number 9: SID (シド)

this lovely band formed in '03 and went major in 2008, they have some of the best music out there, as far as I'm concerned. Mao's voice is amazing, period.
Mao (マオ) - Vocalist
Shinji - Guitarist
Aki (明希) - Bass
Yuuya (ゆうや) - Drums

Mao (マオ), Birthdate: 77/10/23 (oh the cuteness!)
these guys have been around since 1999, great music and HIZUMI has a great voice. They will be doing some concerts here in the states pretty soon, wish I could go @_@! and their new album comes out in two days!!!
HIZUMI - Vocalist
Karyu - Guitarist
ZERO - Bass
my faves:

TSUKASA, Birthdate: 77/03/06
This is by no means all the bands I love, there are so many more, I'll probably make a part 2... :)
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