
Lately I've worked a lot on blogs to share music and videos, but now I wanted to work a blog just about me, I'm studying Chinese (Mandarin) and so I wanted to have a blog to write out the details of my day entirely in English, Chinese, and if I continue to study anything else I'll add that too ;P

Monday, June 21, 2010


Father's day didn't go exactly as planned, as you can see in the picture, a friend sent me this from her phone. Yesterday, an F2 tornado came through Billings and took the roof off of some buildings, And sections of Billings are flooded among other things O_O. My mom was at work and could not return home until the storm was over, really worrying! My dad was at the gym which had started to flood and he didn't come home until after the storm either! However, it seems everyone is alright, there have been no deaths, but I've heard of some injuries, but nothing too massive!

父亲节有未料到的事件了,看这个照片,我的朋友给我联系有这个照片。 昨天, 一个龙卷风来到比零斯,是二在藤田级数和损坏了一些建筑物的。还有别的部分的比零斯是洪水过的,O_O. 我的妈妈是她的工作了和我爸爸在体育馆了。他们不能回家直到那个龙卷风完了。 无论如何,大家没事了,没有死亡!但是,太可怕了。

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