
Lately I've worked a lot on blogs to share music and videos, but now I wanted to work a blog just about me, I'm studying Chinese (Mandarin) and so I wanted to have a blog to write out the details of my day entirely in English, Chinese, and if I continue to study anything else I'll add that too ;P

Saturday, July 10, 2010

A Good Day!


With the exception of being over 90 degrees today, it was quite a nice Saturday. I also got some new clothes!! Yay! Haha, I've almost dropped another two sizes, that also makes me really happy. ^_^ I guess my true goal is to drop to a size 10 by December, I know I can probably do more, but for now, 10 seems reasonable. Aside from being at a much healthier size for myself, all the cute clothes are smaller than what I wear! I'm doing twelve miles a day now, I'm thinking of adding something else to the routine. But I don't know yet.

As for now also, my plans for China still hold, I hope I can get the plane ticket around 1500 though! I don't want to pay more T_T


今天有例外天气太热了,今天好周六啦。 我买过新衣服了,:D 嘻嘻,我几乎体重使负的另外二大小啦! 啊幸福啊 ^_^! 我在想真实目的是成为大小10在12月前了。无论如何,没有可爱的衣服在我的大小! 每天,我现在去12英里,好呢。

还有我的中国的计划是一样,我希望买飞机票在9月,希望不超过1,500美元! 没有很多的钱!

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