
Lately I've worked a lot on blogs to share music and videos, but now I wanted to work a blog just about me, I'm studying Chinese (Mandarin) and so I wanted to have a blog to write out the details of my day entirely in English, Chinese, and if I continue to study anything else I'll add that too ;P

Friday, July 9, 2010

Been a while!

I don't really have to much to say right now I guess. Even now I am planning my trip back to Changchun. So far I want to leave on Jan 4 and come back Feb 15. Just tentative dates now, but got to plan early! But I really want to stay and actually be there for Chinese new years :D, it sounds so exciting.

And I must must go to Beijing! lol, can't really say I've been to China when I haven't even properly visited Beijing right?! My thoughts for now...

我现在没很多的说话啊. 但是,现在我在计划回长春, 我要来到长春在1月4号和回来蒙大拿在2月15号. 到目前为止这是暂时的,可是早准备好啦!我真的要去还有庆祝中国新年!

我还没去北京,笑! 不能说我来过中国,我没去过北京啊,对不对?!

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