
Lately I've worked a lot on blogs to share music and videos, but now I wanted to work a blog just about me, I'm studying Chinese (Mandarin) and so I wanted to have a blog to write out the details of my day entirely in English, Chinese, and if I continue to study anything else I'll add that too ;P

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Nice Day ^^

Today was a nice day, went out with Rory for coffee and talked about plans for the future, ^^. I'm really missing my ipod, I feel like my buddy is gone, really. Ah but enough about that I guess, just enjoying the day, but very sleepy and my head hurts :(

今天天气非常好! 今天非常好:D 我和Rory一起喝咖啡了。 我们说话关于中国的未来。 ^^ 还有在想我的ipod, 我的好朋友不在的感觉。 真的。 啊。。。没事啦,今天是好,可是,我很累啊,我的头有痛:(

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